Success through the Eyes of Women. Health, Balance and Happiness

“Many qualities identified with success are qualities naturally identified with women. Mindful nurturers, sharing and caring, giving and forgiving.

Companies promoting profits over people values are producing stress and burnout that lead to disengagement, absenteeism, turn-over and sickness. Stress at work is affecting relationships at home just as divorce or violence at home is affecting people in the workplace.Feelings cannot always be put on hold while at work and women are more willing to expose themselves as emotional beings.Healthy people and harmonized relationships at work and at home are proven contributors to business success.Many qualities identified with success are qualities naturally identified with women. Mindful nurturers, sharing and caring, giving and forgiving.
The business and science world can learn much from the ancient wisdom available to us. Arianna Huffington says “I’ve found that if I’m in a place of strength and wisdom inside myself, no matter what happens, I can deal with it much more effectively.”

Personally, I spent the last 6 years studying with the creator of Soul Mind Body Medicine™, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, MD. Dr. of TCM, Acupuncturist, Qi Gong Master, Feng Shui, Tai Chi and Feng Shui Master…… who taught me the secret practices of the Grand Masters to transform health, relationships and finances. The practices are so simple, you can do them at your desk. Oprah Winfrey has company-wide 9 am and 4:30 pm meditations. Women can lead the way to this shift.”


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